Our story
As a kid I grew up with lots of dogs in my family, but when I left home at 18, I didn’t ever seem to have the time to have one of my own. It wasn’t until my wife and I got married that we started to speak about getting a dog, finally taking the plunge in 2016
We’d heard that was a litter of French Bulldog puppies in our town who all needed a home. We decided to go take a look.
When we got to the breeder’s house there were 5 gorgeous Frenchie puppies with their beautiful mum. One of the puppies immediately scuttled over to me and started chewing on my fingers.
After that happened, there was no going back. We simply couldn’t say no to this little guy.
We checked all the paperwork through, paid the breeder, and off we went to get our house prepared for our new arrival.
And that’s how our dog came into our lives.
Since then things have never been the same for us all. He has grown to be the 5th member of our family after me, my wife, my son, our cat… and now the dog!
We hope that the love and passion we have for dogs comes through in our website content.
You can email us on contact (then the at sign) Doggysaurus.com.
UPDATE: In early 2022, another dog joined us. So we now have two!

Here’s our new dog licking mum’s face!
About Marc Aaron
I’ve been building websites since the year 2000 (yes, I am that old) so when Claude the Frenchie came into our family’s life, I knew the two things could go hand in hand.
I am not professing to be a vet. That means that everything you read on this website is our own personal experience of owning a dog. It’s all real-life experience.
As I have no veterinarian qualifications, a lot of the health-related information on here has been researched by reading vet websites and talking to our own vet. I always recommend that if you have any concern over your own dog, your vet is the best person to talk to!
But what you do get on this website is a passion about dog and fun approach to ownership.
Enjoy the reads!