Beagles have one of the most characteristic faces of any dog, in particular those beautiful eyes. But just like any dog, they can get red and painful eyes. But why are your Beagle’s eyes red or...
Category: Beagles
How Long Are Beagles Pregnant For? + Beagle Pregnancy Calendar
Beagles are a hound breed, but more often than not, are now kept by people who just love them for their other characteristics. They have become one of the most popular domestic breeds in the...
Dogs aren’t all that different to humans when it comes to teething. Just like us, they have baby teeth, and Beagles really are no different; be prepared, because Beagles will teethe. If you have...
Given that they are often seen as the ideal family dog with their smart and eager-to-please nature, many people think that Beagles are easy to train compared to other breeds. And yes, they can be,...
Why Do Beagles Howl So Much? (When Left Alone, At Night, When Asleep, At Sirens & Music)
Beagles do howl a lot more than other breeds I’ve known. I’ve heard them howling at music, fire truck sirens, at night, when left alone, and even when you are trying to get to sleep! Howling...
Finding your Beagle fast asleep under the bed covers is an adorable sight to behold. On a more practical level, they can even make for replacement water bottles during the cold winter...