Thinking of bringing a rescue dog home? If you’re like most first-time rescue dog parents wondering when your new special canine friend will finally get used to their “new normal,” you’re not...
Category: Rescue Dogs
Bringing a new dog home can result in a lot of changes for both you and the animal. This is especially true in the case of rescue dogs. Adopting a rescue dog is incredibly rewarding, as you are...
Housetraining can seem complicated if you haven’t done it before or if you aren’t experienced with dogs. With rescue dogs or puppy mill dogs it can be even harder. Often, they won’t have had...
Adopting my first rescue dog was an experience! She came with all of the baggage and trauma endured by her previous owners. It’s very common, as many rescue dogs do have behavior problems, some of...
The following is a contribution from one of our regular readers. She has adopted rescues in the past, so is perfectly placed to share the questions to ask when adopting a rescue dog. This includes...
What to Look for When Adopting a Dog from a Shelter (Choosing a Rescue Dog)
In this guide I asked a lady I know who owns shelter dogs to put together some tips for choosing a rescue dog. By reading this, you should get a better idea on what questions you should ask when...