Here's a selection of products that I feel every dog owner should own
Here's a selection of products that I feel every dog owner should own
Foods That Are Toxic to Your Dog
Recent Articles
False pregnancy can be a very confusing time; not just for your dog, but also for owners. The whole concept of a phantom pregnancy (also known as pseudocyesis or pseudo-pregnancy) is a very odd one...
One of the downsides to walking your dog in the great outdoors is that you might have a four-legged friend who likes to chew on sticks. It could be that you play fetch and have one of those dogs that...
How to Protect Drywall from Your Dog: Stop Eating Walls & Scratching Habits
Some dogs just love to chew stuff. This is fine if it’s focussed on chew toys, but a massive issue if your dog is scratching drywall, and then progressing onto chewing and eating it. Thankfully...
Dogs can do the weirdest things: from eating your favourite shoe to drinking out of the toilet or dragging their butts along the floor! But one of the oddest things I have seen is our French Bulldog...
Most dog owners will have experienced high prey drive bolting. It’s when you’re taking your dog on what you believe was going to be a leisurely stroll when, completely out of nowhere, they...
Pug dogs have been progressively bred through their generations to the point where they find it hard to mate naturally. It’s possible that artificial insemination will be needed to get your female...