If you’re thinking about making a Corgi your cherished canine companion, you’ve made a great choice. They truly are loving dogs. But you might have heard about how much Corgis shed, and want to know what the truth is… here’s all you need to know about Corgis shedding hair.
Corgis do shed a lot in comparison to single-coat dogs. This breed is double-coated and as such are moderate-to-high shedders. Corgis will shed a lot of hair all year round, more so in some seasons. However, if hair loss suddenly gets much worse, it could signal an issue.
It’s not as simple as that though. Below I will explain more about why Corgis shed a lot of hair, how often they shed including which months, and some tips on reducing shedding.
How much do Corgis shed?
Corgis tend to shed hair often and daily. The shedding will become more intense during the spring and summer months when they need to lose hair and fur to cool down.
Some would say Corgis shed bad. However, if you keep them regularly groomed with a shedding brush (like this on Amazon) it can be kept under control.
The truth about how Corgis shed
Corgis are one of the most stunning dogs out there. They have the cutest foxy face, poofy fur, and short stature for the show ring – and of course, that regal feel.
Like every other person interested in doing life with this breed, knowing if Corgis shed a lot will ensure their “hairy situation” doesn’t catch you off-guard.
Corgis are known to shed all year round. Meaning, they don’t have a shedding break. They shed from January to December. Everyday.
But don’t let that alarm you – you can help the situation.
Most owners will tell you that having a Corgi around will fill every minute of your life with joy until it’s time to clean up. Others will joke and say Corgis shed quite a lot, that you can even make a brand-new Corgi out of all that stray fur.
Since Corgis are moderate shedders, they’ll leave a good amount of your fur on your carpet, furniture, bed, clothes, and car. Basically, everything they get into contact with.
How much do Corgis shed a day?
The exact quantity of how much hair or fur that Corgis sheds daily isn’t known because it varies from dog to dog. But it’s neither little nor excess — just in between. The shedding only goes overboard when it’s winter or summer. I’ll tell you why in a bit.
Corgis aren’t categorized as hypoallergenic dogs since their moderate shedding translates to more fur allergens for those with allergies.
A Corgi may not be your ideal furry companion if you’re allergen sensitive.
So, what makes Corgis shed that much?
The reason that Corgis shed a lot is to do with the nature of their fur coats. Like most heavy-shedding dog breeds, Corgis are double-coated, hence the everyday shedding-fest. Double coated simply means having two different layers of thick fur:
- A thick undercoat (with shorter fur) that insulates the Corgi.
- A top fur coat (with longer fur) that gives Corgis that gorgeous look. The topcoat also offers them weather protection, among other benefits.
By having a double coat, Corgis literally have double shedding trouble.
The loose fur that falls off comes from two separate fur coats, so there’s no way a Corgi will shed the same amount of hair that other single-coated dogs shed.
Do Corgis shed more in the summer?
If you’re parenting a Corgi, summer and winter can be your most dreaded seasons. Their shedding is insane during these two seasons!
The undercoat is the main culprit for this shedding since its major role includes regulating the Corgi’s body temperature depending on how hot or freezing the weather is.
When it’s summer, a Corgi needs to stay cool. But that’s impossible if they have a thick fur-filled undercoat.

So, during the warm months, your Corgi has to have a summer-appropriate undercoat. They can only achieve this by losing much of the dense fur on their undercoat.
So yes, in summer Corgis do shed more. And during the winter months, the script changes.
Your beloved Corgi must grow back thick fur in their undercoat. They’ll need to shed most of the hair to make way for a winter-appropriate undercoat.
When a Corgi’s shedding becomes abnormal (excessive)
You should always pay attention to your Corgi’s shedding patterns.
While shedding a lot is expected of Corgis (especially during their official shedding seasons), you should be worried if the daily shedding transitions from moderate to excessive.
Plus, if the shedding isn’t even — that is, they have patches of missing fur on their body, there’s something wrong.
There are a couple of reasons why your Corgi might be losing more fur than what you’re used to seeing daily:
1. Parasite infestation
Fleas and mites infestation can lead to irregular shedding patterns.
If your Corgi has these bloodsucking parasites, they’ll always feel itchy. And as they constantly scratch themselves, they’ll lose more fur on top of what they’re already shedding naturally.
You need to discuss with your vet about various parasite control options that will minimize your Corgi’s risks of mite or flea problems.
2. They are stressed out
If the environment or a particular situation makes your Corgi overly anxious, they’ll shed excessively.
And here’s why. When stressed, your Corgi’s body releases a stress-related hormone known as epinephrine that triggers fur to fall off.
Try as much as possible to spoil your Corgi with extra attention whenever they seem unhappy. Also, avoid disrupting their routine. When they have difficulties adjusting, they’ll get stressed.
3. They have an allergic reaction
Your Corgi might develop an allergic reaction after consuming something not suited for them or if you use the wrong product on their body — for instance, the wrong shampoo. If this happens, they may shed uncontrollably.
Always observe your Corgi’s reaction after introducing a new product or food. If they don’t seem okay afterwards, withdraw the food or product to avoid a shedding spree.
4. They are sick
Your Corgi may be having a skin or health condition that makes them shed abnormally. It’s best to visit your vet the moment you realize your fluffy furry pal doesn’t look alright and their shedding pattern has changed drastically.
5. Nutritional imbalances
If your Corgi isn’t on a nutritious, balanced diet, nutritional deficiencies will affect their overall health. They’ll ultimately develop brittle fur that constantly falls off.
Here’s how to deal with your Corgi’s shedding
It’s the dream for any Corgi owner to have a home that isn’t drowned in fur. That’s why we’ve put together these six valuable tips to make your Corgi’s shedding less of a nightmare.
Shaving down your Corgi isn’t a good idea as this will only lead to more harm to their coat. Also, remember there’s nothing you can do to prevent your healthy Corgi from shedding. It’s happening naturally.
Handy Hint: I wrote a guide about whether it’s bad to shave your dog or not.
You can only control how much fur your Corgi leaves around and reduce their chances of unhealthy shedding. Consider the following:
- Brush them often (at least thrice a week) using a long pin brush. You’ll be able to brush off the loose hair in one sitting, so your Corgi won’t leave fur everywhere. Plus, a long pin brush will get the job done properly since it will untangle and get hold of the dead fur hiding in the undercoat.
- If the undercoat fur feels too thick, opt for a de-shedding tool. However, use this grooming tool sparingly since its pins aren’t as skin-friendly as a regular dog brush.
- Brush your Corgi daily during winter and summer.
- Bath them once each month with vet-approved bathing products. Bathing will get rid of all the loose fur trapped in their body.
- Prioritize a good diet for your furry friend. Adding vet-prescribed supplements to their diet also does the trick.
- Never skip vet appointments. In case of any health condition that might cause abnormal shedding, your vet will be able to diagnose it in time.
Are there Corgis that don’t shed?
There are no Corgis that don’t shed, but you could consider getting a Corgi mix, as there’s a chance, they could then shed less than a purebred Corgi. For example, some dogs that shed the least which can be crossed with Corgis include:
- Corgi and Poodle mix (Corgipoo).
- Corgi and Shih Tzu mix (Shorgi).
- Corgi and Yorkshire Terrier mix (Korky).
- Corgi and Maltese mix (Cortese).
Do Corgis shed more than other dogs?
Corgis shed a lot of hair compared to dog breeds with a single coat. Corgis are double-coated, as a generalization, double-coated dogs do tend to lose more hair during shedding.
Dogs with a single coat will shed at a steadier rate all year round. Double-coating dogs will shed a lot of hair during seasonal changes, with lighter shedding all year round.
Are Corgis hypoallergenic?
Corgis are not hypoallergenic. If you suffer with allergies relating to dog hair, this breed is not going to make you feel any better. In fact, I’d go as far as to suggest that no dog will.
I say that because the whole idea of hypoallergenic dogs existing is possibly a bit of a myth. As it stands in 2022, there has never been any research to confidently state that a hypoallergenic dog breed exists.
However, some dogs do shed less, and so could make the allergic reaction you get less. Dogs that are said to shed less and therefore “could” be more hypoallergenic, include:
- Irish Water Spaniels.
- Spanish Water Dogs.
- Komondors.
- Bichon Frise.
- Bolognese.
- Maltese.
- Yorkshire Terriers.
- Poodles (Miniature, Toy and Standard).
- Shih Tzus.
- Tibetan Terriers.
Do Corgis shed a lot?
Yes, that’s right. Corgis are moderate-to-high shedders. On normal days, the shedding is moderate. And during summer or winter, it increases.
How do I get my Corgi to stop shedding?
Unfortunately, you can’t stop them from shedding since it’s a natural process. You can only control how much fur they leave around and prevent abnormal shedding using the tips above.
Are Corgis high maintenance?
Yes, they are. Managing their heavy shedding makes them high maintenance.
Do Corgis shed more than other dogs?
Yes, that’s correct. Corgis are double-coated, so they shed more than single-coated dogs.
Don’t let the fact that Corgis shed a lot put you off. Providing you keep them well groomed it won’t be a problem, unless you let it become a problem.
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Corgi image in header via https://pixabay.com/photos/animal-corgi-pet-canine-mammal-6902459/