There’s a lot of debate and conflicting views over the safety of bully sticks and dogs. Naturally, this has led many owners to develop concerns about giving bully sticks to their puppies.
Whether you do or not is a conclusion you need to reach yourself, but I have put some information lower down the page to help you reach a decision. I can also offer some guidance on how long you should let a puppy chew on a bully stick based in my research.
How long should a puppy chew on a bully stick? The accepted time limit for letting a puppy chew on a bully stick is between 5 and 10 minutes. If puppies or dogs chew on bully sticks for longer than 10 minutes, they could suffer negative effects.
The dangers of puppies chewing on bully sticks
Choosing to limit the amount of time your puppy chews on bully sticks is often driven by a fear that they will damage their teeth or choke. Thankfully, there is no real evidence that they are harmful. In most cases, bully sticks are a perfectly suitable treat to give to your young dog.
That being said, there are still a few rules you should follow to ensure your puppy is getting the best from its new bully stick. In this article, I will take a look at these rules, and explore why these treats are so highly recommended by dog owners all over the USA. In addition, we will provide you with an answer to how much time your puppy can spend chewing on its new treat together with many other related questions.
How long should a puppy be allowed to chew on a bully stick?
Although bully sticks are safe for puppies, you should only allow your pup to chew on them for a limited period – in general, 5 to 10 minutes is considered an ideal length of chewing time.
If a puppy chews for too long on a bully stick, they increase the chance of their stomachs being negatively affected by the treat.
Why does this happen, you may ask?
Well, bully sticks are extremely high in protein, and as a result, most pups will struggle to digest large amounts within a small-time frame.
Furthermore, puppies’ digestive systems are not fully developed until they are around a year old, as a result, they can experience frequent bouts of diarrhea and vomiting if you are not cautious about what they are fed.

Similarly, puppies can sometimes damage their teeth and gums through excessive chewing of bully sticks.
If you find this is the case with your dog, try limiting the number of chewable treats or toys they are given daily or weekly.
Most of the time, this will only occur if they have previously chewed unsuitable materials and hard objects, and rarely as a result of chewing bully sticks
Why are bully sticks good for puppies?
Bully sticks make great treats for puppies because they are primarily designed with chewing in mind. Chewing is a natural instinct that is present in all canines, no matter their age, breed, or temperament.
However, most puppies essentially use chewing as a way to explore the world around them. Regrettably, this trait regularly causes issues for dog owners, as young pups will chew, and in the process, destroy, pretty much anything if given the chance – including their owner’s favorite slippers, expensive furniture, wooden trims, and discarded books.
Thankfully, bully sticks provide a way for young dogs to relieve these desires without damaging household objects and furniture. In addition to this, they can also help strengthen their jaws and relieve any pain they are experiencing when teething.
In comparison to other chewable treats, bully sticks are one of the best options, offering numerous health benefits to puppies.
For example, they are easily digestible for most breeds of puppies when given in small quantities and do not splinter or break like other dog treats, such as rawhide bones. Not only that, but they contain amino acids that can be beneficial and aid healthy development in your puppy’s coat, body, and mind
Lastly, bully sticks provide owners with a stress-free way to clean their puppies’ teeth. As your pooch chews on the stick, any tarter or build up present in their teeth will gradually be scraped away, helping to prevent them from developing any dental issues in the long run.
However, it is worth noting that you should still brush your pup’s teeth at least on a daily basis if you want them to have perfectly shiny and healthy teeth.
What are bully sticks made out of?
We should mention that it might be a good idea to put down any food or snacks you are eating before reading on, lest you lose your appetite. Without a shadow of a doubt, most dog owners will be unaware that bully sticks are made out of one rather surprising form of meat – bull penises.
Although gross, it is this unusual ingredient that makes them such a great treat option for dogs.
When compared to other treats on the market, bully sticks are significantly healthier because they lack any of the added preservatives, sugars, artificial colorings, and other problematic ingredients that packaged treats commonly contain.
How are bully sticks made?
Although manufacturing processes vary greatly, bully sticks are made from the bull pizzle (penis muscle) of bulls which are drained of fluid, cleaned, stretched, and cooked in a variety of different ways.
However, the most common methods used to prepare them are the smoking, baking, and sun-dried options. From here, they can be cut into many different shapes and forms or packaged in their original unaltered state.
In pet stores, bully sticks go by a variety of different names, including pizzle sticks, pizzles, steer sticks, and bull sticks. When searching for the right bully stick for your pup, make sure that it is completely authentic and does not contain any other ingredients apart from beef.
If you are unsure whether the bully stick you purchased is safe for your puppy, try consulting your vet regarding its suitability. Often, they will recommend a particular favorite brand of theirs that is perfect for both younger and older dogs alike.
Can bully sticks cause your pup to become overweight?
It is common knowledge that feeding your dog with too many treats can be a bad habit and can often contribute to a steady weight gain if left unchecked. However, compared to other natural chewable treats, bully sticks are reasonably low in fat.
For example, most bully sticks on the market average around 10% fat content, with the remaining content solely consisting of protein. Naturally, this is good news for owners of particularly greedy puppies who will gobble down any food they come across whilst on their adventures.
However, similar to most treats, bully sticks are still reasonably calorific. In fact, according to research, the average standard size bully stick contains around 88 calories, a large amount for any canine to consume in one sitting, let alone a small puppy.
Therefore, you should only give these treats to your pup occasionally, and not every single day of the week. Likewise, they should not become a substitute for main meals or replace healthier snacks such as carrots, bananas, apples, and broccoli. Also, it is important to remember that too much protein can overload a puppy’s digestive system and make it ill, as previously mentioned.
As a good rule of thumb, treats should only account for 10% of a dog’s diet. Of course, this 10% equals much smaller portions for a puppy than an adult dog, due to their smaller stature and weight.
However, this rule can sometimes prove confusing for many dog owners, and as such it is a good idea to ask your vet for recommendations on how many treats they are allowed per day if you are feeling unsure.
The chances are you have probably seen bully sticks in your local pet store, or they have been recommended to you by your fellow dog lovers. Many dog owners love these treats because they are durable and provide their dogs with hours of entertainment through chewing.
However, despite the popularity of bully sticks, there is a mountain of conflicting information regarding them online. Namely, whether they are considered a safe option for canines to chew on or if there are any safer alternatives on the market.
And then there’s the question over how long you should let your puppy chew on a bully stick. Given it’s between 5 and 10 minutes, keep a close eye on them, and they should be fine.