What Jelly Mucus in Dog Poop Might Mean? (Red, White, & Yellow Jelly)

What Jelly Mucus in Dog Poop Might Mean

Seeing something as unnatural as red jelly in your dog’s poop, or a mucus like substance in yellow or even white is extremely unsettling. I’ve seen things like this before and have spoken with vets about it, so feel I am in a good position to explain what jelly mucus in your dog’s poop can mean.

What jelly substances or mucus in dog poop means

When it comes to the intricacies of dog poop, one of the most common questions asked is whether the presence of mucus in canine stools is something to worry about. Although slightly sinister-looking, with its jelly-like appearance and occasional variations in color, mucus in dog poop in of itself is usually benign and not a sign of a more serious condition.

Despite this, mucus can still prove bothersome if present in large quantities in their poop, due to its gross appearance and how difficult it can be to pick up. For example, these types of stools can be a nightmare to deal with in public, resulting in owners feeling embarrassed and panicked. In addition to this, when coupled with blood, jellly-like mucus in dog poop can be a sign that a deeper and more serious health issue is affecting your pet.

Bearing all this in mind, you may be wondering what causes mucus to appear in your dog’s poop in the first place, and if there is anything you can do to stop it from happening in the future.

Similarly, you might be worried about the presence of bloody mucus in your dog’s poop, and eager to find out what this means.

Thankfully, in this article, we will try to explain the answers to all of your questions and hopefully provide you with some peace of mind in the long run. After all, it is normal for dog owners to want the best for their beloved companions.

Are small amounts of jelly mucus in a dog’s poop normal?

If your dog has only a small amount of jelly mucus in its poop then it is completely healthy and normal. This slimy, often jelly-like substance is created by the intestines and is responsible for keeping the colon moist and lubricated.

Without mucus, your pooch would have difficulty pooping and would have to strain to empty its bowels, potentially pushing too hard and causing an injury in the process. Mucus is often dead cells that have been formed in your furry friend’s gut to prevent them from experiencing constipation.

However, recognizing what amount of mucus is normal can prove difficult. For example, small amounts of mucus are usually undetectable and can be hidden inside the poop.

Likewise, at times, you will only notice mucus in your dog’s stools if there are large amounts, indicating that there could be something amiss with your canine’s health.

For this reason, it is always beneficial to observe your dog’s poop before you pick it up and dispose of it. If you notice that there are excessive amounts of jelly-like mucus in the dog’s poop, or if there is any sort of blood present, then you should book an appointment with your vet as soon as possible.

Similarly, any consistent change to the consistency or color of their stools should be taken seriously, too.

What causes jelly-like mucus in dog poop?

Most often, an increase in mucus or jelly in your dog’s poop indicates that they are suffering from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). This condition occurs when the large intestine or colon is irritated or inflamed and is common in many breeds.

When affected in this way, the intestinal tract will create an extra layer of mucus designed to protect itself from harm.

Although IBS is not dangerous, it is still uncomfortable and can cause your dog pain if it is particularly severe.

The symptoms of IBS are often varied, with certain dogs reacting differently to others.

For example, nausea and vomiting, depression, lethargy, loss of appetite, weight loss, abdominal pain, constipation, and bloating are all regularly recorded in dogs with IBS.

However, next to the jelly-like mucus in dog poop, the most common symptom is frequent and sometimes explosive bouts of diarrhea.

If you notice your pup is going to the toilet more than usual, and that the consistency of their stools is runny and not solid, then they could be dealing with this condition.

In some dogs, small amounts of blood can appear alongside diarrhea and mucus, however, this is relatively normal and should not cause any panic. It is important to take your pooch to the vet if you suspect they have IBS, as it is sometimes difficult to determine whether it is this or something more serious.

Furthermore, this condition can worsen over time if not treated correctly, causing your dog significant pain and discomfort.

Changes in your dog’s diet can also cause mucus to appear in their poop. For example, you will probably notice this happening if you have recently changed their dog food or if someone in your household has given them an unsuitable treat (typically young children or oblivious partners).

To help your pooch adjust to a new type of dog food, you should slowly introduce it into their old food, gradually increasing the new food until their stomachs have adapted to the change.

Try not to panic if your dog’s stomach does not immediately take to the new food, as it can take a week or more for them to adapt completely.

However, if this method does not work, you should take a look at the ingredients on the back of the product and discuss with your vet whether you should get your pooch checked for allergies or intolerances.

Sometimes changing to a hypoallergenic dog brand or other suitable types of dog food can make all the difference in keeping your dog happy and healthy.

Excess mucus can also be caused by parasites, toxin poisoning, parvovirus, polyps, and bacterial infections from eating rotten food or garbage.

However, IBS and changes to a dog’s diet are by far the most common reasons for excess mucus. That being said, if you notice your pooch is displaying any other unusual symptoms alongside diarrhea, then you should take them for an examination.

Are anxious dogs more likely to have mucus in their poop?

When it comes to stress and anxiety in canines, their emotional states are intricately linked to their bowel movements. Calmer dogs will naturally experience fewer bouts of diarrhea, resulting in less jelly-like mucus being present in their poops.

On the opposite end of the scale, dogs who are nervous, or who suffer from stress-related issues like noise, social, or separation anxiety are more likely to have periodic issues with their stools. It is not uncommon for owners to come home to find that their nervous dogs have had a run-in with diarrhea.

What causes red bloody jelly-like diarrhea in dogs?

HGE (hemorrhagic gastroenteritis) is a disease that can range from mild to life-threatening in dogs. It is not known what causes the majority of cases, but it can be extremely dangerous for your pooch’s health if left untreated. Here’s an overview of HGE from the PDSA dog charity.

“Dogs with HGE often become poorly very quickly. They can look perfectly normal one day and extremely unwell the next. Fortunately, most dogs with HGE will make a full recovery a few days after treatment from a vet. Symptoms of HGE are very similar to symptoms of parvovirus.”

The most common symptoms of HGE are vomiting and bloody diarrhea, with the latter sometimes containing so much blood that it resembles strawberry jam or red jelly in the dog poop.

This disease can randomly strike in any type of dog but it is most common in smaller breeds like Yorkshire Terriers, Maltese, and miniature poodles.

If your dog is showing any symptoms of HGE then you take them to the vet as soon as possible. If left untreated, dogs can quickly go into hypovolemic shock due to a severe drop in their blood or water levels, and this can easily prove fatal.

Thankfully, the survival rate for HGE is high, and dogs who are treated quickly will usually recover completely within a few weeks.

However, to get to this stage, aggressive and rapid treatment is often necessary, with most dogs having to stay for at least 24 hours at the vet’s before they are allowed to return home.


For most owners, keeping an eye on their dog’s poop might not be the most pleasant or rewarding experience, but it is a vital habit that you should adopt if you want to ensure that your pooch is always in the best of health.

Although gross, inspecting your dog’s poop for jelly and mucus can indicate if there are any major problems, such as whether they are sick, or if they are suffering from worms, parasites, or any other nasty afflictions.

Regular observations can help you to make the correct decision when it comes to your dog’s food, as runny and watery stools can be a sign that the meals you are providing are not right for their diet.

This is especially beneficial for younger dogs and puppies, who often have delicate stomachs and need specialized diets to remain healthy.

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Marc Aaron

I write about the things we've learned about owning dogs, the adventures we have, and any advice and tips we've picked up along the way.

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