Here's a selection of products that I feel every dog owner should own
Here's a selection of products that I feel every dog owner should own
Foods That Are Toxic to Your Dog
Recent Articles
Can Dogs Get Sick from Mice Poop? (Droppings & Disease Transmission)
I read a statistic this week that mice invade an estimated 21 million homes in the United States every winter. That’s a lot of mouse poop! If you own a dog this has an added concern for those dogs...
If you’ve ever had the misfortune of your dog rolling in fox poo, you will know how badly the smell will permeate everything. It absolutely stinks and is hard to shift, even with a bath using your...
Our house backs onto woods and a large field where foxes hang out. It makes for great wildlife watching and dog walks, but there’s one big downer about this; fox poo. This alone would be fine, but...
Seeing a tick on your dog is horrible. I’ve had to remove them from Claude before and it’s a stomach-churning task. You will also have the worry afterwards that your dog has a nasty...
If you keep chickens and want to keep foxes away, then dogs could be something to consider as a deterrent. Perhaps foxes are messing your property up, and you just want to get rid of them. Whatever...
Rabies is one of those frightening diseases that has many misconceptions and a lot of misinformation. Being one of those diseases about which there are a lot of myths, many dog owners will...