If your dog has started pulling his butt along the floor or frantically trying to itch his bottom, you should really take pity on him and give him some help. One of the best ways you can soothe a dog’s sore bottom is with cream or ointment.
But which cream you put on a dog’s sore bum is important, as some will have ingredients in which are not good for dogs. So, which ointment do you use on a dog’s butt exactly?
There are a few different creams you can put on a dog’s sore bum. These include itchy bottom ointments such as zinc cream, castor oil cream, Neosporin, hydrocortisone cream, or Sudocrem to help soothe your dog’s sore bottom.
Important: Before you use any cream on your dog’s sore bum please consult with your vet. All dogs are different and can react in different ways to butt creams.
Deciding which ointment to use on your dog’s butt is the next step. To help you, below I explain more on the effectiveness of these sore bum creams. There are also the causes of sore butts in dogs and the warning signs to look out for. These two factors determine whether you should rely on cream alone to soothe your dog’s itches.
What to put on a dog’s sore bum: cream choices
Knowing your dog has a sore bottom is probably one of the undesirable sides of dog parenting. You will notice them scooting along the floor and trying to get at it. It gets so itchy for them – you can’t simply watch them struggle with the discomfort – you have to try and help them out.
And, of course, that “help” will involve butt inspections here and there, and touching the area when applying topical medications.
Nothing cute about that. But we must do what’s needed to make our dog’s sore bottoms feel better. Before you rush out and buy cream though, please scroll below my recommendations are there are times when vet treatment should be sought, as a cream might not help.
With that being said, here are five popularly-recommended creams for soothing a dog’s itchy bottom:
1. Castor oil cream
Castor oil cream has ribonucleic acid, which gives this cream pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties. Castor oil cream is said to significantly reduce the pain on your dog’s sore bum and heal any chapped skin around that delicate area.
This cream is also an excellent repellent for fleas. If your dog has these annoying parasites on his bum, rubbing castor cream around the area will keep the fleas away.
It’s a good idea to seek your vet’s advice on the best castor oil cream to buy.
2. Sudocrem
Sudocrem can be used very sparingly on dog’s butts to soothe an itch. It’s a top-rated anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial cream that treats skin problems like eczema, diaper rash, acne, sunburns, insect bites, and cuts.
While this topical medication is designed for humans, its formulation is considered dog-safe but only in small amounts, hence why many vets often recommend it for managing itchy bums in dogs.

However, there is Zinc oxide in Sudocrem, which can be toxic to dogs. So, consult your vet first as I explain further down the page as it’s for topical use only.
You should consider a cone, as this will stop your dog itching the wound or bottom with Sudocrem on.
3. Neosporin ointment
As with all the bottom soothing creams on this page, Neosporin can make dogs sick if they lick and ingest it, so make sure it’s for topical use only. Neosporin creates a physical barrier between the irritants and the dog’s bum. It also kills bacteria around the bum that might be triggering the inflammation.
But experts recommend doing a patch test before applying it to your dog’s sensitive bottom.
They suggest rubbing a tiny amount of Neosporin on another part of your dog’s skin and observing if there’s any allergic reaction.
If your dog doesn’t develop side effects like bumps or redness, you can use a little Neosporin on their sore bottom. With your vet’s approval, of course.
4. Hydrocortisone cream
Again, this is not a vet-approved ointment to soothe itchy dog butts, but they will often recommend it in small amounts. Hydrocortisone cream offers quick relief from irritation and reduces swelling when applied to the affected area.
So, if your dog’s bottom is sore, you can massage a small amount of hydrocortisone cream to make them feel better.
You should discontinue use and see the vet if the soreness persists a few days later. Like other creams, hydrocortisone isn’t suitable for prolonged use in dogs.
5. Zinc oxide cream (be careful again)
Zinc oxide is often considered a good choice. It’s added to most topical medications because of its amazing anti-inflammatory properties. But only use it sparingly, and if you’re completely confident that your dog cannot get to it and lick it.
A zinc oxide cream will greatly reduce the swelling, redness, or pain in your dog’s bum.
This cream forms a protective coating or “barrier” on your dog’s sensitive anal skin, keeping the butt free from bacteria, irritants, and moisture that may trigger further itchiness.
Your vet can suggest an effective cream with an appropriate zinc oxide concentration, so it’s good to consult them before purchasing an over-the-counter zinc oxide cream.
Remember to clean your dog’s sore bottom with a soft washcloth and warm water, then dry the area before applying the cream.
And to avoid instances where your dog licks off the cream as soon as you apply it, you can consider using it just before their feeding time. This will give your dog’s bum enough time to absorb the cream as your dog eats.
Another trick is taking them for a short walk or letting them wear an Elizabethan collar or cone briefly after application.
Don’t use any cream without taking to a vet about your dog’s sore bottom
While some sore bum cases require urgent vet care, others are mild and can ofteb be resolved at home with topical creams. You should carefully observe your dog’s symptoms since these determine how severe or mild the bum soreness is.
If they aren’t over-scooting, don’t have wounds, or there isn’t an unusual hardness on the bum, you can apply a vet-recommended cream and monitor for any improvement. Also, stick to your vet’s instructions on the amount and frequency of use.
Before you do it though, ask your vet for a cream recommendation.
If the symptoms are far from minor, you can’t rely on topical cream alone. You’ll need to take your dog to the vet for further diagnosis and treatment.
There are many culprits responsible for your dog’s sore bottom, among them:
- Swollen anal glands: A dog’s anal glands carry a certain smelly fluid that dogs expel when they poop. This substance lubricates the dog’s feces. If there’s an infection in your furry friend’s anal glands, it will prevent this fluid from being expelled during defecation. The fluid build-up will cause inflammation around the anus.
- Parasites: External parasites like fleas like to hover around a dog’s butt. And internal worms like tapeworms hatch eggs that at times attach themselves to the anal hairs.
- Constipation or diarrhea: that makes a dog’s skin around the anus prone to cracks.
- Allergic reactions: either from new food or a bathing product.
- Anal skin cuts: from grooming accidents or bruises when rough playing.
- Yeast or bacterial infections: that affect the anal area.
- Sitting on a rough surface: like a hot concrete floor or sand.
- Dried poop: lingering on the butt surface.
The level of pain from a sore bum varies from dog to dog. It all depends on the root cause of your dog’s soreness.
While your dog can’t verbally express how much discomfort they feel “down there”, their symptoms can tell you all you need to know about the severity of their sore bum:
- Scooting: If your dog has a sore bum, you will see him drag it on the floor in an attempt to soothe it. You should seek professional help if your dog scoots excessively.
- Avoiding the sitting posture: and whining if something touches their butt
- The anal area feels hard: when you gently press it with your finger
- The butt appears swollen: but without any deep rashes or wounds
- The swelling is accompanied by redness: pus, or bleeding wounds
- Over-grooming: their backside
- A foul smell: on their butt (can be a sour smell, sometimes described as being fishy)
- Blood: in their poop
FAQs on your dog’s sore bum
Can I put coconut oil on my dog’s sore bum?
Yes, that’s right. Coconut oil’s anti-inflammatory properties can ease irritation on a dog’s bum. But you must consult your vet before using it.
Can I put Vaseline on my dog’s butt?
The question of whether it’s okay to Vaseline on a dog’s sore bum is often a murky one. Some say it’s amazing in soothing the butt discomfort, while others think petroleum jelly easily traps bacteria, worsening the soreness.
It’s best to seek your vet’s opinion before using vaseline.
Can I use hemorrhoid cream on my dog?
You can only use an anti-hemorrhoid cream if your vet recommends so. Treating a dog’s hemorrhoid issue without professional help is not advisable since there may be a serious underlying cause for these hemorrhoids.
Bum soreness is quite a common issue in dogs. If your beloved four-legged friend has a sore bottom, there’s a good chance you’re wondering what creams you can use to manage the problem.
Whilst I have recommended some creams you can put on a dog’s sore bum, always check with a vet first and then use very sparingly.